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Payment & Shipping

Payment methods

Bei KOSATEC per Vorkasse bezahlen


You will receive an order confirmation after successfully placing your order. This will show the amount to be transferred and our bank details. Once the invoice amount has been credited to our account, we will dispatch the goods as soon as possible. Please be sure to state the order reference and your customer number as the reason for payment so that we can guarantee smooth payment transactions.

KOSATEC Computer GmbH
Volksbank eG Braunschweig Wolfsburg
IBAN: DE24 2699 1066 6984 3040 00

Bei KOSATEC per Nachnahme bezahlen

Cash on delivery

Your order will be shipped reliably and exclusively with our partner GLS. In addition to the shipping costs, there is a fee of 6.50 euros net. Simply pay the total amount upon delivery. You will receive your goods quickly and can process the payment immediately.

Bei KOSATEC auf Rechnung bezahlen


Customised payment terms? Of course. Pay the invoice by the due date. This requires a positive credit rating. Orders are processed immediately so that you receive your products quickly. We focus on convenience and flexibility for you.

Bei KOSATEC mit Paypal bezahlen


Provided you have set up an account with PayPal, you can pay in just a few steps. After completing your purchase, you will be securely redirected to the PayPal payment form. Log in and confirm the transaction, a few moments later we will be able to book your payment and dispatch the ordered goods as quickly as possible.

Bei KOSATEC per Bankeinzug bezahlen

Direct debit

Pay conveniently by direct debit upon receipt of goods. Simple and uncomplicated: We debit the amount from your account after you have received the goods. Enjoy fast dispatch and secure payment processing.

Bei KOSATEC per Zentralregulierung bezahlen

Centralised settlement

Agree individual payment terms with us. We ensure efficient processing of your orders and invoices. You can rely on smooth processes and the best service.

Shipping methods


Pick-up business for B2B customers

KOSATEC Computer GmbH
Carl-Miele-Straße 3
38112 Braunschweig

Monday to Friday 10:30 to 12:30

We offer you the convenient option of collecting the products you have already paid for in person. Visit us in our shop from Monday to Friday between 10.30 am and 12.30 pm. Your goods will be ready for you and you save yourself the despatch time. Please note, however, that direct payment on site is not possible.

The process is simple: once you have completed your order and payment has been made, we will prepare your goods for collection. As soon as your products are ready for collection, you will receive a separate notification from us. This is to ensure that you can receive your goods at the right time.

Important notes

Je nach Anzahl der Pakete und dem Bestimmungsort, behalten wir uns vor die tatsächlichen Frachtkosten in Ausnahmenfällen anzupassen. For each order we charge a surcharge for the Transport insurance in the amount of 0.45% of the value of the goods. In addition, we charge for each delivery a Environmental flat rate in the amount of 2.50 euros.

For deliveries to third countries, we will prepare the export accompanying document for you. We charge a flat-rate service fee for this service.

You must pay the import sales tax and customs duties in your country.